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Vista Peak from the Kootenay National Park sign pullout.Bushwhacking to the Storm Mountain trail.Ascending the Storm Mountain trail.Morning views.Ascending the Storm Mountain trail.Morning views past Mount Whymper (R) up hwy 93.Ascending the lower SW ridge of Vista Peak.Ascending the lower SW ridge of Vista Peak.Ascending the SW ridge of Vista Peak.Ascending the lower SW ridge of Vista Peak, views to the south ridge.Ascending the lower SW ridge of Vista Peak, views to the south ridge.Ascending the lower SW ridge of Vista Peak, views to the south ridge.Ascending the lower SW ridge of Vista Peak, views to the south ridge.Views back down the SW ridge to Mount Whymper.Ascending the south ridge of Vista Peak.Ascending the south ridge of Vista Peak.Ascending the south ridge of Vista Peak. Views to Storm Mountain.Ascending the south ridge of Vista Peak.Ascending the south ridge of Vista Peak. Storm Mountain to the right.Ascending the south ridge of Vista Peak.