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Looking back towards Citadel Pass from the faint trail.The trail becomes more defined temporarily at the switchbacks. Great views over Citadel Pass at right.Golden Mountain stretches out from Fatigue Pass. We'll go out of sight to our left before finding an ideal bivy site.Fatigue Pass.Despite the somewhat gloomy weather, this place is gorgeous.An ideal bivy site. Golden's north end at left and Assiniboine just showing up at distant center.Fatigue Pass.There are worse ways to spend a Friday afternoon.The Matterhorn of the Rockies peeks out from the clouds.Fatigue Pass.Fatigue Pass.Looking towards the north end of Golden Mountain at left. Nestor Peak and Simpson Ridge at center and distant right.North end of Golden Mountain.As we ascended and slowly made our way further south along the ridge, Mount Assiniboine finally came into full view granting us some wild scenes.Mount Assiniboine.Surreal lighting as we continue to work our way along the never ending summit ridge of Golden Mountain - Assiniboine still showing at center distance.As the cloud cap thickened over Assiniboine, I snapped this last shot of her summit before it socked in again. The Marshall at distant right here.We came from the left and are going right here. The summit is still several bumps away but finally within our grasp.Only two more false summits... Nasswald at center here, with the summit of Golden Mountain to its right.